from datetime import datetime
bday = False
if not (datetime.now().month == 9 and datetime.now().day == 7):
    nextyear = False
    if datetime.now().month >= 9:
        if datetime.now().month == 9 and datetime.now().day > 7:
            nextyear = True
        elif datetime.now().month > 9:
            nextyear = True
    target_date = datetime(year=datetime.now().year + 1 if nextyear else datetime.now().year, month=9, day=7)

    # Get the current date
    current_date = datetime(year=datetime.now().year, month=datetime.now().month, day=datetime.now().day)

    # Calculate the difference
    days_until_target = (target_date - current_date).days

    print(f"Swee's birthday is in {days_until_target} days... Then he'll become {target_date.year - 2010}.")
                 @@@@@@@      [[]]      @@@@@@@
             @@@@@@@@@        [[]]        @@@@@@@@@
            @@@@@@@           [[]]           @@@@@@@
            !@@@@@@@@@                    @@@@@@@@@!
            !    @@@@@@@                @@@@@@@    !
            !        @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@        !
            !              @@@@@@@@@@@             !
            !             ______________           !
            !          HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEE         !
            !             --------------           !
            !!!!!!!                          !!!!!!!
                 !!!!!!!                !!!!!!!
    print(f"Swee is now {datetime.now().year - 2010}!")