This commit is contained in:
Nova Cat 2024-12-17 16:24:56 -08:00
parent ea6a360bb9
commit 1e5d2fc29b

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from random import choice, randint as random, randrange
import traceback
import threading
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
from requests import get, exceptions as rex
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
@ -38,11 +39,25 @@ def script_js():
return send_file("script.js", mimetype='application/javascript')
threading.Thread(, daemon=True, kwargs={"port": 2005}).start()
# YouTube API
DEVELOPER_KEY = environ["ytapi"]
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'SweeBot IRC ' + __version__
def get_yt_id(url):
query = urlparse(url)
# already contains the ID in the path
if query.hostname == '': return query.path[1:]
if query.hostname in {'', '', ''}:
# URLs that have the ID in the path instead of the query.
integrated_in_url = ["watch", "embed", "v", "shorts"]
# The regular /watch path, which stores the ID in the query.
if query.path == '/watch': return parse_qs(query.query)['v'][0]
# Alternatively, it will get the ID in the path if the path was in the list above.
elif query.path.split('/')[1] in integrated_in_url: return query.path.split('/')[2]
return None
class config:
def __init__(self):
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(environ["SBconfig"])
@ -649,39 +664,39 @@ while True:
if sbconfig.cflagexist(channel, "+links"):
for i in command:
if i[:8] == "https://":
parse = urlparse(i)
if parse.scheme in ["http", "https"]:
e = get(i, headers=headers, timeout=10)
header = e.headers
content_type = header.get('content-type').split(";")[0]
content_len = header.get('Content-length')
if content_type in allowedparse:
if e.ok:
soup = BeautifulSoup(e.text, 'html.parser')
multiline("(" + nick + ") " + (" ".join(soup.title.string.splitlines())[:100] if soup.title != None else "[No title provided]"), channel)
if parse.hostname in ["", "", "", "", ""]:
video_id = get_yt_id(i)
youtube = build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=DEVELOPER_KEY)
request = youtube.videos().list(part='snippet,statistics', id=video_id)
details = request.execute()
title = details['items'][0]['snippet']['title']
channel = details['items'][0]['snippet']['channelTitle']
views = details['items'][0]['statistics']['viewCount']
multiline("(" + nick + ") [▶️ YouTube] {title} | Author: {channel} | {views} views", channel)
multiline("(" + nick + ") [HTTP " + str(e.status_code) + "]", channel)
multiline("(" + nick + ") [" + humanbytes(content_len) + " " + str(content_type) + "]", channel)
parsed += 1
raise Exception("No special URL, go ahead and parse the normal title...")
e = get(i, headers=headers, timeout=10)
header = e.headers
content_type = header.get('content-type').split(";")[0]
content_len = header.get('Content-length')
if content_type in allowedparse:
if e.ok:
soup = BeautifulSoup(e.text, 'html.parser')
multiline("(" + nick + ") " + (" ".join(soup.title.string.splitlines())[:100] if soup.title != None else "[No title provided]"), channel)
multiline("(" + nick + ") [HTTP " + str(e.status_code) + "]", channel)
multiline("(" + nick + ") [" + humanbytes(content_len) + " " + str(content_type) + "]", channel)
parsed += 1
except rex.SSLError as ex:
multiline("(" + nick + ") [SSL Error: " + str(ex.message) + "]", channel)
except Exception as ex:
multiline("(" + nick + ") [Request error: " + str(ex.message) + "]", channel)
elif i[:7] == "http://":
e = get(i, headers=headers, timeout=10)
header = e.headers
content_type = header.get('content-type').split(";")[0]
content_len = header.get('Content-length')
if content_type in allowedparse:
if e.ok:
soup = BeautifulSoup(e.text, 'html.parser')
multiline("(" + nick + ") " + (" ".join(soup.title.string.splitlines())[:100] if soup.title != None else "[No title provided]"), channel)
multiline("(" + nick + ") [HTTP " + str(e.status_code) + "]", channel)
multiline("(" + nick + ") [" + humanbytes(content_len) + " " + str(content_type) + "]", channel)
parsed += 1
elif "JOIN" in text and "#nixsanctuary" in text: