#!/usr/bin/python3 __version__ = "0.0.1-pre-alpha" print(f"Codename IRCat v{__version__}") print("Welcome! /ᐠ ˵> ⩊ <˵マ") import socket, ssl, time, threading, traceback, sys, subprocess, yaml, sqlite3, os, bcrypt from requests import get if not len(sys.argv) == 2: print("IRCat requires the following arguments: config.yml") sys.exit(1) server = "" displayname = "foo" identifier = "somewhere in the universe" admin_nick = "admin" data_path = "" motd = """ ____ _ ___ ____ ____ _ / ___|___ __| | ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ |_ _| _ \ / ___|__ _| |_ | | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | || |_) | | / _` | __| | |__| (_) | (_| | __/ | | | (_| | | | | | | __/ | || _ <| |__| (_| | |_ \____\___/ \__,_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| |___|_| \_\\\\____\__,_|\__| https://ircat.xyz This server doesn't have a MOTD in its configuration, or is invalid.""" motd_file = None ping_timeout = 255 restrict_ip = '' global banlist banlist = {} def updateklines(): global banlist try: klines = open(data["klinepath"]).read().split("\n") for i in klines: specifiedip = i.split(" ")[0] specifiedreason = " ".join(i.split(" ")[1:]) banlist[specifiedip] = specifiedreason except: banlist = {} with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file: data = yaml.safe_load(file) try: server = data["host"] except: print("using fallback server address") try: displayname = data["name"] except: print("using fallback display name") try: identifier = data["identifier"] except: print("using fallback identifier") try: admin_nick = data["admin-nick"] except: print("using fallback admin nick") try: data_path = data["data-path"] except: print("IRCat requires \"data-path\" in config.yml") sys.exit(1) try: motd = data["motd"] except: print("using fallback MOTD") try: motd_file = data["motd-file"] except: print("Not reading MOTD from a file.") try: ping_timeout = int(data["ping-timeout"]) except: print("Using 255 as a ping timeout.") try: restrict_ip = data["restrict-ip"] except: print("Listening on all hosts possible.") try: ssl_option = bool(data["ssl"]) except: print("SSL will be off.") ssl_option = False if ssl_option: try: ssl_cert = data["ssl_cert"] except: print("IRCat needs an SSL cert to use SSL!") sys.exit(1) try: ssl_pkey = data["ssl_pkey"] except: print("IRCat needs an SSL Private Key to use SSL!") updateklines() file.close() print("Successfully loaded config!") class IRCat_DATA_BROKER: def __init__(self): if not os.path.isfile(data_path): print("Creating database file...") open(data_path, "w").write("") self.conn = sqlite3.connect(data_path) db = self.conn.cursor() print("Creating NickServ table...") db.execute("""CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS nickserv (user varchar(255), modes varchar(255), hash varchar(255), cloak varchar(255))""") print("Creating Groups table...") db.execute("""CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS groups (name varchar(255), owner varchar(255))""") print("Creating ChanServ table...") db.execute("""CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS chanserv (name varchar(255), modes varchar(255), params varchar(255), owner varchar(255), usermodes varchar(255), optimodes varchar(255))""") def nickserv_identify(self, nick, password:str): db = self.conn.cursor() password = password.encode("UTF-8") db.execute("SELECT * FROM nickserv WHERE user=?;", [nick]) if db.fetchall() == []: return ["Nickname doesn't exist."] config = IRCat_DATA_BROKER() sockets = {} sockets_ssl = {} # Open the specified non-SSL sockets. for i in restrict_ip.split(" "): sockets[i] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sockets[i].setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sockets[i].bind((i,6667)) sockets[i].listen(1) context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) if ssl_option: print(f"Loading SSL cert {ssl_cert} with key {ssl_pkey}") context.load_cert_chain(ssl_cert, keyfile=ssl_pkey) for i in restrict_ip.split(" "): sockets_ssl[i] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sockets_ssl[i].setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sockets_ssl[i].bind((i,6697)) sockets_ssl[i].listen(1) opened=True reserved = ["nickserv", "chanserv", "gitserv"] # Reserved nicknames nickname_list = {} # Stores nicknames and the respective sockets lower_nicks = {"gitserv": "GitServ", "nickserv": "NickServ"} # Nicknames in lowercase channels_list = {} # Store channels and their user lists lower_chans = {} # Channel names in lowercase property_list = {"GitServ": {"host": "IRCatCore", "username": "IRCat", "realname": "Codename IRCat Integrated services - Updates bot"},"NickServ": {"host": "IRCatCore", "username": "IRCat", "realname": "Codename IRCat Integrated services - Login bot", "away": False}} # Stores properties for active users and channels def pinger(nick, connection): global property_list while nick in property_list: if (time.time() - property_list[nick]["last_ping"]) > 30 and not property_list[nick]["ping_pending"]: if nick in property_list: print("Sent ping message to " + nick) property_list[nick]["ping_pending"] = True time.sleep(0.5) connection.sendall(bytes(f"PING {server}\r\n","UTF-8")) elif property_list[nick]["ping_pending"] and ((time.time() - property_list[nick]["last_ping"]) > ping_timeout): if nick in property_list: property_list[nick]["cause"] = f"Ping timeout: {ping_timeout} seconds" print("SHUTTING DOWN FOR " + nick) connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) connection.close() break def session(connection, client, ip, ssl=False): global property_list pending = "*" # The nickname of the client already_set = False # If the client gave the server a NICK packet ready = False # If the client gave the server a USER packet finished = False # If the server gave the client its information, indicating it's ready. username = "oreo" # Username/ident specified by client hostname = "" # Hostname, can be IP or domain realname = "realname" # Realname specified by client safe_quit = False # If the client safely exited, or if the server should manually drop the connection cause = "Unknown" # The cause of the unexpected exit try: print("Connected to client IP: {}".format(client)) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Looking for your hostname...\r\n","UTF-8")) try: hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(client[0])[0] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Got it! {hostname}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: hostname = client[0] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Oof! Can't find your hostname, using IP...\r\n","UTF-8")) updateklines() global banlist if client[0] in banlist: print("Specified IP is banned, killing now.") reason = banlist[client[0]] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 465 * :You are banned from this server\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"ERROR :Closing Link: {hostname} (K-Lined: {reason})\r\n","UTF-8")) time.sleep(3) raise Exception("Killed connection, IP is banned.") while True: try: data = connection.recv(2048) except Exception as ex: cause = "Read error: " + str(ex) break print("Received data: {}".format(data)) try: textt = data.decode() for text in textt.replace("\r", "").split("\n"): command = text.split(" ")[0].upper() try: args = text.split(" ")[1:] except: pass if command == "NICK" and not finished: pending = text.split(" ")[1] if pending[0] == ":": pending[1:] if "!" in pending or ":" in pending or "#" in pending or "*" in pending: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 432 * {pending} :Erroneus nickname\r\n","UTF-8")) pending = "*" elif pending.lower() in lower_nicks or pending in reserved: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 433 * {pending} :Nickname is already in use.\r\n","UTF-8")) pending = "*" else: already_set = True print(f"User {pending} set nick") elif command == "USER": if not ready: username = text.split(" ")[1] realname = " ".join(text.split(" ")[4:])[1:] ready = True elif command == "CAP": if args[0] == "LS": connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} CAP * LS :ircat.xyz/foo\r\n", "UTF-8")) elif (ready and already_set) and not finished: cleanup_manual() print(f"User {pending} successfully logged in.") nickname_list[pending] = connection property_list[pending] = {"host": hostname, "username": username, "realname": realname, "modes": "iw", "last_ping": time.time(), "ping_pending": False, "away": False} lower_nicks[pending.lower()] = pending threading.Thread(target=pinger, args=[pending, connection]).start() connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 001 {pending} :Welcome to the {displayname} Internet Relay Chat Network {pending}\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 002 {pending} :Your host is {server}[{ip}/6667], running version IRCat-v{__version__}\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 004 {pending} {server} IRCat-{__version__} iow ovmsitnlbkq\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 005 {pending} CHANMODES=bq,k,l,irmnpst CHANTYPES=# NETWORK={displayname} :are supported by this server\r\n", "UTF-8")) # connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 251 {pending} :There are {allusers} users and {allinvis} invisible in {servers} servers\r\n", "UTF-8")) Not supported as there isn't multi-server capability (yet) ops = 0 # Placeholder, will replace with caclulating how much people have +o connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 252 {pending} {ops} :IRC Operators online\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 253 {pending} 0 :unknown connection(s)\r\n", "UTF-8")) # Replace 0 with a variable of not setup clients. chans = len(channels_list) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 254 {pending} {chans} :channels formed\r\n", "UTF-8")) cleints = len(nickname_list) servers = 1 connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 255 {pending} :I have {cleints} clients and {servers} servers\r\n", "UTF-8")) # Start the MOTD if motd_file != None: motd = open(motd_file).read() connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 375 {pending} :- {server} Message of the Day -\r\n", "UTF-8")) for i in motd.rstrip().split("\n"): connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 376 {pending} :- {i}\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 372 {pending} :End of /MOTD command\r\n", "UTF-8")) # End the MOTD connection.sendall(bytes(f":{pending} MODE {pending} +iw\r\n","UTF-8")) finished = True elif command == "PING": e = text.split(" ")[1] print("Replying with \"" + str([f":{server} PONG {server} :{e}\r\n"]) + "\"") connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} PONG {server} :{e}\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "MOTD": if motd_file != None: motd = open(motd_file).read() connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 375 {pending} :- {server} Message of the Day -\r\n", "UTF-8")) for i in motd.rstrip().split("\n"): connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 376 {pending} :- {i}\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 372 {pending} :End of /MOTD command\r\n", "UTF-8")) elif finished: if command == "JOIN": channels = text.split(" ")[1] for channelt in channels.split(","): channel = channelt.strip() if channel.lower() in lower_chans: channel = lower_chans[channel.lower()] success = True if channel in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[channel]: success=False print(f"{pending} is already in {channel} , ignoring JOIN request.") if success: try: if channel in channels_list: channels_list[channel].append(pending) else: channels_list[channel] = [pending] lower_chans[channel.lower()] = channel except: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Could not join {channel}\r\n","UTF-8")) print(channels_list) for i in channels_list[channel]: try: nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} JOIN {channel}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: pass # Code re-used in the NAMES command if channel in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[channel]: users = " ".join(channels_list[channel]) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 353 {pending} = {channel} :{users}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 366 {pending} {channel} :End of /NAMES list.\r\n","UTF-8")) print("Successfully pre-loaded /NAMES list") elif command == "PONG": e = text.split(" ")[1] if e == server: print(pending + " replied to PING.") property_list[pending]["last_ping"] = time.time() property_list[pending]["ping_pending"] = False elif command == "NICK": if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) elif text.split(" ")[1] == pending: pass else: pending2 = text.split(" ")[1] if pending2[0] == ":": pending2[1:] if "!" in pending2 or ":" in pending2 or "#" in pending2 or "*" in pending2: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 432 {pending} {pending2} :Erroneus nickname\r\n","UTF-8")) elif pending2.lower() in lower_nicks or pending2 in reserved: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 433 {pending} {pending2} :Nickname is already in use.\r\n","UTF-8")) else: print("Sending nickname change...") connection.sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} NICK {pending2}\r\n","UTF-8")) # Broadcast the nickname change done = [] for i, users in channels_list.items(): if pending in users: for j in users: if j != pending and j != pending2 and not j in done: print("Broadcasting on " + j) nickname_list[j].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) done.append(j) # Replace the nickname try: print("Changing on " + i) channels_list[i].remove(pending) channels_list[i].append(pending2) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) print("Moving config...") property_list[pending2] = property_list.pop(pending) nickname_list[pending2] = nickname_list.pop(pending) del lower_nicks[pending.lower()] lower_nicks[pending2.lower()] = pending2 print("starting pinger...") pending = pending2 property_list[pending2]["ping_pending"] = False property_list[pending2]["last_ping"] = time.time() threading.Thread(target=pinger, args=[pending, connection]).start() print(f"User {pending} set nick") print("Broadcasting nickname change...") elif command == "PART": if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) else: channel = text.split(" ")[1] for i in channels_list[channel]: try: nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: pass try: channels_list[channel].remove(pending) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) elif command == "AWAY": if len(args) == 0: property_list[pending]["away"] = False connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 305 {pending} :You are no longer marked as being away\r\n","UTF-8")) else: reasons = " ".join(args) if reasons[0] == ":": reasons = reasons[1:] property_list[pending]["away"] = True property_list[pending]["reason"] = reasons connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 306 {pending} :You have been marked as being away\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "WHO": if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) else: channel = text.split(" ")[1] if channel in channels_list: for i in channels_list[channel]: who_host = property_list[i]["host"] who_user = property_list[i]["username"] who_realname = property_list[i]["realname"] who_away = "G" if property_list[i]["away"] else "H" connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 352 {pending} {channel} ~{who_user} {who_host} {server} {i} {who_away} :0 {who_realname}\r\n","UTF-8")) elif channel in nickname_list: who_host = property_list[channel]["host"] who_user = property_list[channel]["username"] who_realname = property_list[channel]["realname"] who_away = "G" if property_list[channel]["away"] else "H" connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 352 {pending} * ~{who_user} {who_host} {server} {channel} {who_away} :0 {who_realname}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 315 {pending} {channel} :End of /WHO list.\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "WHOIS": if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) else: target = text.split(" ")[1] if target.lower() in lower_nicks: target = lower_nicks[target.lower()] if target in property_list: who_user = property_list[target]["username"] who_realname = property_list[target]["realname"] who_host = property_list[target]["host"] try: who_flags = property_list[target]["modes"] except: who_flags = None connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 311 {pending} {target} ~{who_user} {who_host} * :{who_realname}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 312 {pending} {target} {server} :{identifier}\r\n","UTF-8")) if "o" in who_flags: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 313 {pending} {target} :is an IRC operator\r\n","UTF-8")) who_away = property_list[target]["away"] if who_away: who_reason = who_away = property_list[target]["reason"] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 301 {pending} {target} :{who_reason}\r\n","UTF-8")) #connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 317 {pending} {target} {time} :seconds idle\r\n","UTF-8")) # I haven't implemented idle time yet. if who_flags != None and who_flags != "iw": connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 379 {pending} {target} :Is using modes +{who_flags}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 318 {pending} {target} :End of /WHOIS list\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 401 {pending} {target} :No such nick/channel\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "NAMES": if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) else: channel = text.split(" ")[1] if channel in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[channel]: users = " ".join(channels_list[channel]) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 353 {pending} = {channel} :{users}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 366 {pending} {channel} :End of /NAMES list.\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "NOTICE": if len(args) >= 2: target = text.split(" ")[1] if target.lower() in lower_nicks: target = lower_nicks[target.lower()] if target in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[target]: for i in channels_list[channel]: try: if i != pending: nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: pass elif target in nickname_list: nickname_list[target].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 401 {pending} {target} :No such nick/channel\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "QUIT": # Parse the quit message. done = [] if len(text.split(" ")) == 1: msg = "Client Quit" else: msg = text.split(" ")[1:] if msg[0][0] == ":": msg[0]=msg[0][1:] if len(msg) > 0: mse = " ".join(msg) msg = f"Quit: {mse}" text = f"QUIT :{msg}" # Broadcast all users in the joined channels that the person quit. for i, users in channels_list.items(): if pending in users: for j in users: if j != pending and not j in done: nickname_list[j].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) done.append(j) # Remove the quitting user from the channel. try: channels_list[i].remove(pending) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) # Confirm QUIT and close the socket. try: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"ERROR :Closing Link: {hostname} ({msg})\r\n","UTF-8")) finally: connection.close() safe_quit = True break elif command == "MODE": target = args[0] if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) elif len(args) == 1: if args[0] == pending: yourmodes = property_list[pending]["modes"] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 221 {pending} +{yourmodes}\r\n","UTF-8")) elif args[0] in channels_list: if args[0] in property_list: if "modes" in property_list[args[0]]: # Get the modes + parameters, then print them out. modes = property_list[args[0]]["modes"] params = property_list[args[0]]["params"] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 221 {pending} {target} +{modes} {params}\r\n","UTF-8")) else: # Default channel mode connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 324 {pending} {target} +n\r\n","UTF-8")) else: # Default channel mode connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 324 {pending} {target} +n\r\n","UTF-8")) else: if args[0][0] == "#": connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 403 {pending} {target} :No such channel\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 505 {pending} :Cant change mode for other users\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "GITSERV" or (command == "PRIVMSG" and args[0].lower() == "gitserv"): if command == "PRIVMSG": args = args[1:] if args[0][0] == ":": args[0] = args[0][1:] if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) elif args[0].upper() == "PULL": updater = subprocess.run(["git", "pull"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if updater.stdout.decode().strip() == "Already up to date.": connection.sendall(bytes(f":GitServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :Codename IRCat is already up-to-date.\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":GitServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :Done, it is recommended to use /RESTART if you're an IRC op\r\n","UTF-8")) elif args[0].upper() == "VERSION": connection.sendall(bytes(f":GitServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :Codename IRCat version {__version__}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":GitServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :This is Codename IRCat's integrated services.\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":GitServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :GitServ Usage:\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":GitServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :PULL - Pulls the latest version of Codename IRCat\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":GitServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :VERSION - Gets the version number of this service.\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "NICKSERV" or (command == "PRIVMSG" and args[0].lower() == "nickserv"): if command == "PRIVMSG": args = args[1:] if args[0][0] == ":": args[0] = args[0][1:] if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) elif args[0].upper() == "IDENTIFY": pass elif args[0].upper() == "VERSION": connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :Codename IRCat version {__version__}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :This is Codename IRCat's integrated services.\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :NickServ Usage:\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :IDENTIFY - Identifies your nickname\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :VERSION - Gets the version number of this service.\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "RESTART": if "o" in property_list[pending]["modes"]: tcp_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) tcp_socket.close() global opened opened = False else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 481 {pending} :Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "PRIVMSG": if len(args) >= 2: target = text.split(" ")[1] if target.lower() in lower_nicks: target = lower_nicks[target.lower()] if target in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[target]: for i in channels_list[channel]: try: if i != pending: nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: pass elif target in nickname_list: nickname_list[target].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 401 {pending} {target} :No such nick/channel\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) # Ignore empty text elif text.split(" ")[0] == "": pass else: # Unknown command cmd = text.split(" ")[0] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 421 {pending} {cmd} :Unknown command\r\n","UTF-8")) except Exception as ex: print(traceback.format_exc()) cause = "Read error: " + str(ex) break if not data: cause = "Remote host closed the connection" break finally: connection.close() try: if "cause" in property_list[pending]: cause = property_list[pending]["cause"] if pending != "*": del nickname_list[pending] del property_list[pending] del lower_nicks[pending.lower()] if not safe_quit: done = [] for i, users in channels_list.items(): if pending in users: for j in users: if j != pending and not j in done: try: nickname_list[j].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} QUIT :{cause}\r\n","UTF-8")) done.append(j) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) # Remove the quitting user from the channel. try: channels_list[i].remove(pending) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) cleanup_manual() def cleanup(): while True: time.sleep(15) cleanup_manual() def cleanup_manual(): global channels_list global property_list print("Cleaning up...") for j, i in channels_list.items(): for h in i: if not h in property_list: print("Found a detached connection: " + h) i.remove(h) for k in channels_list[j]: if k != h and k in nickname_list: nickname_list[k].sendall(f":{h}!~DISCONNECTED@DISCONNECTED PART {j} :IRCat Cleanup: Found missing connection!!\r\n") def tcp_session(sock): try: while opened: print("Waiting for connection...") connection, client = sock.accept() ip_to = restrict_ip threading.Thread(target=session, daemon=True, args=[connection, client, ip_to]).start() except: print("Shutting down...") time.sleep(2) sock.shutdown(1) sock.close() print("Something went wrong...") print(traceback.format_exc()) def ssl_session(sock2): with context.wrap_socket(sock2, server_side=True) as sock: try: while opened: print("Waiting for connection...") connection, client = sock.accept() ip_to = restrict_ip threading.Thread(target=session, daemon=True, args=[connection, client, ip_to]).start() except: print("Shutting down...") time.sleep(2) sock.shutdown(1) sock.close() print("Something went wrong...") print(traceback.format_exc()) for ip, i in sockets.items(): print("Now listening on port 6667 with IP " + ip) threading.Thread(target=tcp_session, args=[i]).start() if ssl_option: for ip, i in sockets_ssl.items(): print("Now listening on SSL port 6697 with IP " + ip) threading.Thread(target=ssl_session, args=[i]).start()