#!/usr/bin/python3 __version__ = "0.0.1-pre-alpha" print(f"INTERNET RELAY CAT v{__version__}") print("Welcome! /ᐠ ˵> ⩊ <˵マ") import socket, time, threading, traceback, sys, os, yaml from requests import get if not len(sys.argv) == 2: print("IRCat requires the following arguments: config.yml") sys.exit(1) server = "" displayname = "foo" with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file: data = yaml.safe_load(file) try: server = data["host"] except: print("using fallback server address") try: displayname = data["name"] except: print("using fallback display name") file.close() print("Successfully loaded config!") ip = get('https://api.ipify.org').content.decode('utf8') tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tcp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_address = ('', 6667) tcp_socket.bind(server_address) tcp_socket.listen(1) nickname_list = {} # Stores nicknames and the respective sockets channels_list = {} # Store channels and their user lists flags_list = {} # Stores flags for channels and users property_list = {} # Stores properties (hostname) for users print("Now listening on port 6667") def session(connection, client): pending = "*" # The nickname of the client already_set = False # If the client gave the server a NICK packet ready = False # If the client gave the server a USER packet finished = False # If the server gave the client its information, indicating it's ready. username = "oreo" hostname = "" try: print("Connected to client IP: {}".format(client)) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Looking for your hostname...\r\n","UTF-8")) try: hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(client[0])[0] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Got it! {hostname}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: hostname = client[0] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Oof! Can't find your hostname, using IP...\r\n","UTF-8")) while True: try: data = connection.recv(2048) except: print("Disconnected.") print("Received data: {}".format(data)) try: textt = data.decode() for text in textt.split("\r\n"): command = text.split(" ")[0].upper() try: args = text.split(" ")[1:] except: pass if command == "NICK": pending = text.split(" ")[1] if pending in nickname_list: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 433 * {pending} :Nickname is already in use.\r\n","UTF-8")) pending = "*" else: if not already_set: nickname_list[pending] = connection property_list[pending] = {"host": hostname} already_set = True elif command == "USER": if not ready: username = text.split(" ")[1] ready = True elif "CAP LS" in text: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} CAP * LS :away-notify", "UTF-8")) elif (ready and already_set) and not finished: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 001 {pending} :Welcome to the {displayname} Internet Relay Chat Network {pending}\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 002 {pending} :Your host is {server}[{ip}/6667], running version IRCat-v{__version__}\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 004 {pending} {server} IRCat-{__version__} iow ovmsitnlbkq\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 005 {pending} CHANMODES=bq NETWORK={displayname} CHANTYPES=# :are supported by this server\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{pending} MODE {pending} +iw\r\n","UTF-8")) finished = True elif command == "PING": e = text.split(" ")[1] print("Replied to PING.") connection.sendall(bytes(f"PONG {e}\r\n","UTF-8")) elif (ready and already_set) and finished: if command == "JOIN": channels = text.split(" ")[1] for channelt in channels.split(","): channel = channelt.strip() success = True if channel in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[channel]: success=False print(f"{pending} is already in {channel} , ignoring JOIN request.") if success: try: if channel in channels_list: channels_list[channel].append(pending) else: channels_list[channel] = [pending] except: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Could not join {channel}\r\n","UTF-8")) print(channels_list) for i in channels_list[channel]: try: nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} JOIN {channel}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: pass # Code re-used in the NAMES command if channel in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[channel]: users = " ".join(channels_list[channel]) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 353 {pending} = {channel} :{users}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 366 {pending} {channel} :End of /NAMES list.\r\n","UTF-8")) print("Successfully pre-loaded /NAMES list") elif command == "PART": channel = text.split(" ")[1] for i in channels_list[channel]: try: nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: pass try: channels_list[channel].remove(pending) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) elif command == "WHO": channel = text.split(" ")[1] if channel in channels_list: for i in channels_list[channel]: who_host = property_list[i]["host"] who_user = property_list[i]["username"] who_realname = property_list[i]["realname"] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 352 {pending} {who_user} ~{who_host} {server} {i} H :0 {who_realname}\r\n","UTF-8")) elif channel in nickname_list: who_host = property_list[channel]["host"] who_user = property_list[channel]["username"] who_realname = property_list[channel]["realname"] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 352 {pending} * {who_user} ~{who_host} {server} {channel} H :0 {who_realname}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 366 {pending} {channel} :End of /WHO list.\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "NAMES": channel = text.split(" ")[1] if channel in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[channel]: users = " ".join(channels_list[channel]) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 353 {pending} = {channel} :{users}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 366 {pending} {channel} :End of /NAMES list.\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "PRIVMSG": target = text.split(" ")[1] if target in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[target]: for i in channels_list[channel]: try: if i != pending: nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: pass elif target in nickname_list: nickname_list[target].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 401 {pending} {target} :No such nick/channel\r\n","UTF-8")) nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f":{server} 366 {pending} {channel} :End of /NAMES list.\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "QUIT": # Parse the quit message. done = [] msg = text.split(" ")[1:] if len(msg) > 0: mse = " ".join(msg) msg = f"Quit: {mse}" else: msg = pending text = f"QUIT :{msg}" # Broadcast all users in the joined channels that the person quit. for i, users in channels_list.items(): if pending in users: for j in users: if j != pending and not j in done: nickname_list[j].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) done.append(j) # Remove the quitting user from the channel. try: channels_list[i].remove(pending) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) # Confirm QUIT and close the socket. connection.sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"ERROR :Closing Link: {hostname} ({msg})\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.close() break elif command == "GITSERV": connection.sendall(bytes(f":GitServ!~IRCat@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :Hello!\r\n","UTF-8")) # Ignore empty text elif text.split(" ")[0] == "": pass else: # Unknown command cmd = text.split(" ")[0] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 421 {pending} {cmd} :Unknown command\r\n","UTF-8")) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) if not data: break finally: connection.close() if pending != "*": del nickname_list[pending] del property_list[pending] if not safe_quit: for i, users in channels_list.items(): if pending in users: for j in users: if j != pending and not j in done: nickname_list[j].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!~{username}@{hostname} QUIT :Error, possibly disconnected.\r\n","UTF-8")) done.append(j) # Remove the quitting user from the channel. try: channels_list[i].remove(pending) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) try: while True: connection, client = tcp_socket.accept() threading.Thread(target=session, daemon=True, args=[connection, client]).start() except: print("Shutting down...") time.sleep(2) tcp_socket.shutdown(1) tcp_socket.close()