import threading __ircat_type__ = "allsocket" __ircat_requires__ = ["ban-provider"] __ircat_giveme__ = ["sql"] # Only command and allsocket have these. __ircat_fakechannels__ = {"#IRCATSUCKS": "B0tn3t pr0t3ct10n, do not join."} # Fake channels that plugins control. class IRCatModule: sus_strings = [ # Known SupernetS botnet texts # Contribute here: " .''.", # 2025 new year "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣠⣤⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀" # "The United States of America" LATEST ] memory = {} # {nick: {channel: trustlevel}} one can also be {nick: True} if it is whitelisted for the session. useSQLengine = False def __init__(self, ban_provider, sql): self.ban_provider = ban_provider if ban_provider == "sql": self.useSQLengine = True self.SQLengine = sql def ban(self, ip): del self.memory[ip] # Forget this all happened # Add the ban if self.useSQLengine: self.SQLengine.addban(ip, "Botnet detected!") # Use the SQL provider if {'ban-provider': 'sql'} else: open(self.ban_provider, "a").write(f"\n{ip} Botnet detected!") # Else, write on the banfile. raise Exception("Botnet detected!") # Kill the connection def onSocket(self, ip, socket, value, cachedNick=None, validated=False, *args, **kwargs): if cachedNick != None: print(value) if "JOIN" in value: target = value.split(" ")[1] self.memory[ip] = 1 # 1: Just joined the channel, continue observing. if target.lower() == "#ircatsucks": self.ban(ip) # Ruh roh elif "PRIVMSG" in value: if not (ip in self.memory and self.memory[ip] == 0): # Continue observing target = value.split(" ")[1] content = " ".join(value.split(" ")[2:])[1:] if content in self.sus_strings: if ip in self.memory: # Hey stinky! YOU'RE BANNED if self.memory[ip] == 1: self.ban(ip) else: self.memory[ip] = 0 # 0: Trust the connection :3