# Replacement for services bots. import traceback, smtplib, uuid, ssl __ircat_type__ = "command" __ircat_requires__ = ["name", "smtp_host", "smtp_port", "smtp_starttls", "smtp_username", "smtp_password"] __ircat_giveme__ = ["sql"] # Only command and allsocket have these. __ircat_fakeusers__ = { "NickServ": { "host": "PawServ", "username": "Meow", "realname": "PawServ plugin - Identification bot", "modes": "iw", "away": False }, "ChanServ": { "host": "PawServ", "username": "Meow", "realname": "PawServ plugin - Channel management bot", "modes": "iw", "away": False } } class IRCatModule: def __init__(self, sql, smtp_host, smtp_port, smtp_starttls, smtp_username, smtp_password, name): self.sql = sql self.smtp_host = smtp_host self.smtp_port = smtp_port self.smtp_starttls = smtp_starttls self.smtp_username = smtp_username self.smtp_password = smtp_password self.net_name = name self.memory = {} # {nick: [authtoken, password, email]} print("PawServ loaded!") def command(self, command, args, ip, nick, connection, user): try: if command == "NICKSERV" or (command == "PRIVMSG" and args[0].lower() == "nickserv"): if command == "PRIVMSG": args = args[1:] args[0] = args[0][1:] if args[0][0] == ":" else args[0] if len(args) > 0 and args[0].lower() == "verify": if len(args) == 3: if args[1] in self.memory: if args[2] == self.memory[args[1]][0]: self.sql.nickserv_register(nick=args[1], password=self.memory[args[1]][1], email=self.memory[args[1]][2]) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE {nick} :Nickname doesn't exist, try registering again?\r\n", "UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE {nick} :Invalid verification.\r\n", "UTF-8")) if len(args) > 0 and args[0].lower() == "register": if len(args) == 3: context = ssl.create_default_context() token = str(uuid.uuid4()) message = f"\\nSubject: {self.net_name} Account Verification\n\nHi,\nIt appears you have tried to register an account ({nick}) with this email,\nIf you did not register an account, feel free to delete this email.\nIf you did, use this command:\n/nickserv verify {nick} {token}" with smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port) as server: server.ehlo() server.starttls(context=context) server.ehlo() server.login(self.smtp_username, self.smtp_password) server.sendmail(self.smtp_username, args[2], message) memory[nick] = [token, args[1], args[2]] else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE {nick} :Needs 3 arguments, nickname, password, and email.\r\n", "UTF-8")) if len(args) > 0 and args[0].lower() == "identify": temp = self.sql.nickserv_identify(nick=nick if len(args) == 2 else args[2], password=args[1]) if temp: connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE {nick} :Now, it would've been a successful identification, but this is work in progress.\r\n", "UTF-8")) else: if nick in self.memory: connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE {nick} :Your account isn't verified, please verify now.\r\n", "UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE {nick} :Invalid username/password.\r\n", "UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE {nick} :NickServ Usage:\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE {nick} :IDENTIFY pass <nick> - Identifies your nickname\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE {nick} :REGISTER pass email - Register your nickname\r\n","UTF-8")) return True else: return False except: print(traceback.format_exc()) return False