Update server.py

This commit is contained in:
Nova Cat 2024-12-15 15:39:48 -08:00
parent 46d0017431
commit 07fc7fbd66

View file

@ -12,6 +12,15 @@ displayname = "foo"
identifier = "somewhere in the universe"
admin_nick = "admin"
data_path = ""
motd = """
____ _ ___ ____ ____ _
/ ___|___ __| | ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ |_ _| _ \ / ___|__ _| |_
| | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | || |_) | | / _` | __|
| |__| (_) | (_| | __/ | | | (_| | | | | | | __/ | || _ <| |__| (_| | |_
\____\___/ \__,_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| |___|_| \_\\____\__,_|\__|
This server's configuration doesn't have a MOTD in its configuration, or is invalid."""
motd_file = None
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file:
data = yaml.safe_load(file)
try: server = data["host"]
@ -26,6 +35,10 @@ with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file:
print("IRCat requires \"data-path\" in config.yml")
try: motd = data["motd"]
except: print("using fallback MOTD")
try: motd_file = data["motd-file"]
except: print("Not reading MOTD from a file.")
print("Successfully loaded config!")
@ -142,13 +155,36 @@ def session(connection, client):
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 002 {pending} :Your host is {server}[{ip}/6667], running version IRCat-v{__version__}\r\n", "UTF-8"))
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 004 {pending} {server} IRCat-{__version__} iow ovmsitnlbkq\r\n", "UTF-8"))
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 005 {pending} NETWORK={displayname} :are supported by this server\r\n", "UTF-8"))
# connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 251 {pending} :There are {allusers} users and {allinvis} invisible in {servers} servers\r\n", "UTF-8")) Not supported as there isn't multi-server capability (yet)
ops = 0 # Placeholder, will replace with caclulating how much people have +o
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 252 {pending} {ops} :IRC Operators online\r\n", "UTF-8"))
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 253 {pending} 0 :unknown connection(s)\r\n", "UTF-8")) # Replace 0 with a variable of not setup clients.
chans = len(channels_list)
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 254 {pending} {chans} :channels formed\r\n", "UTF-8"))
cleints = len(nickname_list)
servers = 1
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 255 {pending} :I have {cleints} clients and {servers} servers\r\n", "UTF-8"))
# Start the MOTD
if motd_file != None:
motd = open(motd_file).read()
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 375 {pending} :- {server} Message of the Day -\r\n", "UTF-8"))
for i in motd.rstrip().split("\n"):
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 376 {pending} :- {i}\r\n", "UTF-8"))
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 372 {pending} :End of /MOTD command\r\n", "UTF-8"))
# End the MOTD
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{pending} MODE {pending} +iw\r\n","UTF-8"))
finished = True
elif command == "PING":
e = text.split(" ")[1]
print("Replying with \"" + str([f":{server} PONG {server} :{e}\r\n"]) + "\"")
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} PONG {server} :{e}\r\n","UTF-8"))
elif command == "MOTD":
if motd_file != None:
motd = open(motd_file).read()
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 375 {pending} :- {server} Message of the Day -\r\n", "UTF-8"))
for i in motd.rstrip().split("\n"):
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 376 {pending} :- {i}\r\n", "UTF-8"))
connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 372 {pending} :End of /MOTD command\r\n", "UTF-8"))
elif finished:
if command == "JOIN":
channels = text.split(" ")[1]