# New SweeBridge SweeZero's own chat relay/bridge. [Discourse Post](https://discuss.swee.codes/t/get-ready-for-a-new-sweebridge/56) announcing New SweeBridge [Wiki Post](https://wiki.swee.codes/wiki/SweeBridge) on SweeBridge > Dev note: I can't believe a dedicated bridge for SweeZero between Guilded and Libera.Chat became something so big like this :o ## To-Do: * [ ] Clean up code a ***bit*** (which I'm too lazy to) * [x] Matrix support * [ ] Revolt support * [ ] Discourse support * [ ] Add Web Dashboard/Control * [ ] Allow control if you're an operator/admin of the channel/server * [ ] AnthroChat support * [ ] SnooNet support * [ ] OFTC support (Requested by [Depresst0](/Depresst0)) * [x] SweeNet support * [ ] Freenode support (Requested by Mintle on IRC Libera chat) * [ ] Irc-Nerds support (Requested by Mintle on IRC Libera chat) * [ ] Add support for adding custom IRC nets ## Current platforms: * IRC * [Libera.Chat](https://libera.chat) * [SweeNet](https://ircat.xyz/try.html) * Discord * Guilded ## Requirements of software: * Python 3 * [Discord.Py](https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/intro.html) * [Guilded.Py](https://guildedpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/gettingstarted.html) * [Matrix-nio](https://github.com/matrix-nio/matrix-nio) * [Python Requests](https://pypi.org/project/requests/) * A [ZNC instance](https://wiki.znc.in) running on localhost ( at port 5000 > [!WARNING] > > The user running SweeBridge must have read+write access to /var/www/html/sweebridge > And /var/cache > > For matrix images to render, a web server should be setup pointing to /var/www/html/sweebridge (the website path can be set as shown in the environment variable listed below) ## Required enviroment variables: ```bash LiberaNick=SweeBridge LiberaUser=BridgeUser/Libera # for use in ZNC SweeNetNick=SweeBridge SweeNetUser=BridgeUser/SweeNet # for use in ZNC MatrixHomeserver=https://matrix.example.com # Use the real client API host, not the host with /.well-known/matrix # If it's running on a different port, you can use https://matrix.example.com:8008/ # I recommend using a custom homeserver instead of matrix.org # SSL is required MatrixUserID=@sweebridge:matrix.example.com MatrixToken=syi_*** MatrixFileCollectURL=https://sweebridge.example.com/ # URL must end with / ZNCPassword=password # for use in ZNC DiscordToken=token GuildedToken=token ``` ## Required `config.json` ```json { "sbconfig": { "CommunityName": { "discord": { "guild": guild_id, "channel": channel_id, "webhook": "webhook_url" }, "guilded": { "server": "server_id", "channel": "channel_id", "webhook": "webhook_url" }, "libera": { "channel": "#channel", "flags": { "nosystem": "disable" } }, "sweenet": { "channel": "#channel", "flags": { "nosystem": "full" } }, "matrix": { "room": "!room_ID:matrix.example.com" } } } } ``` > [!TIP] > ## (IRC) `nosystem` values: > > * `disable` - Show all system messages > * `partial` - Only show Quit, Part, and Join messages > * `full` - NO system messages, only user messages > > ## (Matrix) Use room IDs (`!ID:Homeserver`) > > AFAIK, matrix-nio can only use room IDs, so using public handles `#room:matrix.example.com` will not be supported. ## Get your community bridged with Default SweeBridge 1. Invite SweeBridge Discord: [Link](https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1269419550605316166&permissions=8&integration_type=0&scope=bot) Guilded: [Link](https://www.guilded.gg/b/7db35ab7-17aa-4d00-806d-3e8a53f65390) Matrix: `/invite @bridge:swee.codes` while you're in the desired channel IRC: `/invite sweeBridge #channel` 2. Create webhooks (Discord and Guilded) ~~Webhook guide is in [SWEE.codes wiki.](https://wiki.swee.codes/wiki/SweeBridge#Configuration)~~ You can now create webhooks using `b$createwebhook` 3. Contact Swee The easiest ways would be checking [Swee's Social Links](https://swee.codes/links) or emailing [meow@swee.codes](mailto:meow@swee.codes) ## Communities bridged with SweeBridge --- > [SweeZero](https://zero.swee.codes) - All platforms supported with SweeBridge are bridged here > > MintleChats - [Discord](https://discord.gg/5kmatqaYn9) <-> [Libera.Chat](ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#cafeteria) > > Bacon Hair Community (BHC) - Discord, [Guilded](https://guilded.gg/BHC), [Libera.Chat](https://swee.codes/u/bhcirc), Matrix