# New SweeBridge SweeZero's own chat relay/bridge. [Discourse Post](https://discuss.swee.codes/t/get-ready-for-a-new-sweebridge/56) announcing New SweeBridge To-Do: * [ ] Matrix support * [ ] Revolt support * [ ] Discourse support * [ ] Add Web Dashboard/Control * [ ] Allow control if you're an operator/admin of the channel/server * [ ] Support for other IRC networks (Possibly AnthroChat & SnooNet) Current platforms: * IRC Libera.Chat * Discord * Guilded Requirements of software: * Python 3 * Nothing for IRC, since it uses socket. * [Discord.Py](https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/intro.html) * [Guilded.Py](https://guildedpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/gettingstarted.html) * [Python Requests](https://pypi.org/project/requests/) * A [ZNC instance](https://wiki.znc.in) running on localhost ( at port 5000 Required enviroment variables: ```bash IRCNick=SweeBridge LiberaUser=BridgeUser/Libera # for use in ZNC ZNCPassword=password # for use in ZNC DiscordToken=token GuildedToken=token ```