__version__ = "0.0.1 Link parser update" import socket import subprocess from time import sleep, time, ctime from os import system as ossystem, path, environ, listdir, getcwd import sqlite3 cwd = getcwd() import re from random import choice, randint as random import traceback import threading from pathlib import Path from requests import get, exceptions as rex from bs4 import BeautifulSoup headers = { 'User-Agent': 'SweeBot IRC ' + __version__ } class config: def __init__(self): self.conn = sqlite3.connect(environ["SBconfig"]) self.database = self.conn.cursor() def perms(self, cloak: str): try: self.database.execute(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?;", [cloak]) output = self.database.fetchall() return output[0][1] except: print(traceback.format_exc()) return '' def chansettings(self, chan: str): try: self.database.execute("SELECT * FROM chans WHERE chan = ?;", [chan]) output = self.database.fetchall() print(output) temp = output[0][1].split(",") return temp if temp != [''] else [] except: print(traceback.format_exc()) return [] def setchanconfig(self, chan: str, flags: list): try: print(self.chansettings(chan)) if self.chansettings(chan) == []: print("[!!!] Channel doesn't exist in config") self.database.execute("INSERT INTO chans (chan, flags) values(?, ?);", [chan, "+config," + ",".join(flags)]) else: self.database.execute("UPDATE chans SET FLAGS = ? WHERE chan = ?", [",".join(flags),chan]) self.conn.commit() except: print(traceback.format_exc()) return False def cflagexist(self, chan:str, flag:str): return flag in self.chansettings(chan) # Code snippet from my buddy Irish # Define a dictionary to map terminal color codes to IRC color codes color_map = { '\033[30m': '\x0301', # Black '\033[31m': '\x0305', # Red '\033[32m': '\x0303', # Green '\033[33m': '\x0307', # Yellow '\033[34m': '\x0302', # Blue '\033[35m': '\x0306', # Magenta '\033[36m': '\x0310', # Cyan '\033[37m': '\x0315', # White '\033[90m': '\x0314', # Bright Black (Gray) '\033[91m': '\x0304', # Bright Red '\033[92m': '\x0309', # Bright Green '\033[93m': '\x0308', # Bright Yellow '\033[94m': '\x0312', # Bright Blue '\033[95m': '\x0313', # Bright Magenta '\033[96m': '\x0311', # Bright Cyan '\033[97m': '\x0316', # Bright White '\033[0m': '\x03', # Reset } pattern = re.compile(r'\033\[\d+(;\d+)*m|\033\[\?25[lh]|\033\[\?7[lh]|\033\[\d+C|\033\[\d+A|\033\[\d+D|\033\[\d+B') def replace_color_codes(text): def replacer(match): code = match.group(0) if code in color_map: return color_map[code] elif re.match(r'\033\[\d+C', code): # Handle cursor move right (e.g., \033[30C) spaces = int(re.findall(r'\d+', code)[0]) return ' ' * spaces elif re.match(r'\033\[\d+A', code) or re.match(r'\033\[\d+B', code): # Handle cursor move up (e.g., \033[17A) and down (e.g., \033[17B) return '' elif re.match(r'\033\[\d+D', code): # Handle cursor move to the start of the line (e.g., \033[9999999D) return '' elif re.match(r'\033\[\?25[lh]', code): # Handle cursor visibility (e.g., \033[?25l or \033[?25h) return '' elif re.match(r'\033\[\?7[lh]', code): # Handle line wrapping (e.g., \033[?7l or \033[?7h) return '' else: return '' # Remove all control sequences cleaned_text = pattern.sub(replacer, text) # Split the text into lines and remove lines that contain control sequences or are empty lines = cleaned_text.split('\n') lines = [line for line in lines if line.strip() and not re.search(r'\033\[m', line)] # Join the cleaned lines back into a single string return '\n'.join(lines) class bot_irc: irc_socket = socket.socket() def __init__(self): self.irc_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def send_irc(self, channel, msg): self.irc_socket.send(bytes("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + msg + "\n", "UTF-8")) def connect_irc(self, server, port, channel, bot_nick, bot_pass, bot_nickpass): print("Server connection: " + server) self.irc_socket.connect((server, port)) self.irc_socket.send( bytes( "USER " + bot_nick + " " + bot_nick + " " + bot_nick + " :SweeBot, a very cool bot made by Swee :3\n", "UTF-8", ) ) self.irc_socket.send(bytes("NICK " + bot_nick + "\n", "UTF-8")) self.irc_socket.send( bytes("PASS " + bot_nickpass + ":" + bot_pass + "\n", "UTF-8") ) for i in channel: self.irc_socket.send(bytes("JOIN " + i + "\n", "UTF-8")) def response_irc(self): try: r = self.irc_socket.recv(2040).decode() if r.find("PING") != -1: self.irc_socket.send( bytes("PONG " + r.split()[1] + "\r\n", "UTF-8") ) return r except: return "" def ping(self): try: r = self.irc_socket.recv(2040).decode() if r.find("PING") != -1: self.irc_socket.send( bytes("PONG " + r.split()[1] + "\r\n", "UTF-8") ) except: pass server_irc = "" # Use for local ZNC port_irc = 6667 # NO SSL FOR YOU channel_irc = ["##sweezero"] botnick_irc = environ.get('SBnick') botnickpass_irc =environ.get('SBuser') botpass_irc = environ.get('SBpass') irc = bot_irc() irc2 = bot_irc() irc3 = bot_irc() irc.connect_irc( server_irc, port_irc, channel_irc, botnick_irc, botpass_irc, botnickpass_irc ) sbconfig = config() threes = [":3", ":3c", "uwu", "owo", "/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\\", "(✿◠‿◠)"] snacks = ["PepperMintHTMLs", "Dice App candies", "SweeCrypt codes", "Windows 11 Bloomberry flavored icecream"] run = 0 block = 0 global times times = 0 def update(): open(str(Path.home()) + "/run.txt", 'w').write(str(run)) open(str(Path.home()) + "/block.txt", 'w').write(str(block)) update() def irci2(): irc2.connect_irc( server_irc, port_irc, channel_irc, "sweeB0t", botpass_irc, botnickpass_irc + "/secondary" ) while True: irc2.ping() def irci3(): irc3.connect_irc( server_irc, port_irc, channel_irc, "swe3Bot", botpass_irc, botnickpass_irc + "/tertiary" ) while True: irc3.ping() def multiline(text, channel): global times if text.__class__ == bytes: text = text.decode() for t in text.split("\n"): if t != "" and t != " ": if times > 8: if times == 9: sleep(1) irc3.send_irc(channel, replace_color_codes(t)) times +=1 if times == 13: times = 0 elif times > 4: if times == 5: sleep(1) irc2.send_irc(channel, replace_color_codes(t)) times +=1 else: if times==0: sleep(1) irc.send_irc(channel, replace_color_codes(t)) times += 1 def system(cmd, chan): try: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): if text != "" and text != " ": multiline(line.rstrip(), chan) p.stdout.close() p.wait() except FileNotFoundError: multiline(cmd[0] + " not found", chan) except: multiline(traceback.format_exc()) irl2 = threading.Thread(target=irci2) irl2.start() irl3 = threading.Thread(target=irci3) irl3.start() while True: teext = irc.response_irc().split("\r\n") for text in teext: if text != "": try: print(text) except: print("") try: command = text.split("PRIVMSG")[1].split(":")[1:] command = ":".join(command).split(" ") channel = text.split("PRIVMSG")[1].split(" ")[1] nick = text.split(" ")[0][1:].split("!")[0] username = text.split(" ")[0][1:].split("@")[1] try: perms = sbconfig.perms(username) except: perms = "" print(command) print(channel) print(nick) print(username) print(perms) #open("log-text-"+channel, "a").write(" ".join(command) + "\n") #open("log-name-"+channel, "a").write(nick + "\n") except: #print(traceback.format_exc()) pass try: #if True: if "PRIVMSG" in text: if "PRIVMSG" in text and command[0][0] == "$": run+=1 update() if command[0] == "$ping": if random(1,2) == 1: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Pnog") else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Pong") elif command[0] == "$help": if len(command) > 1: if "." in " ".join(command[1:]): irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Nice try") block+=1 run-=1 update() else: try: if path.isfile(cwd + "/helps/" + " ".join(command[1:])): output = open(cwd + "/helps/" + " ".join(command[1:])).read() multiline(output, nick if sbconfig.cflagexist(channel, "-multiline") else channel) else: irc.send_irc(channel, "Either the command isn't documented yet or it doesn't exist lol") except: multiline(output, channel) else: irc.send_irc(channel, "tip, ping, whoami, perms, version, figlet, tdfiglet, cowsay, uptime, cc, joke, botsnack. (restart, join, part, shell, config, pull.) Use '$help (command)' for explanation.") elif command[0] == "$tip": system(["fortune"], channel) elif command[0] == "$whoami": if perms != "": irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": " + username + " (Your cloak has permissions, use the 'perms' command to see)") else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": " + username) elif command[0] == "$perms": if len(command) == 2: if sbconfig.perms(command[1]) != "": irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": permissions of cloak " + command[1] + ": " + sbconfig.perms(command[1])) else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": The cloak " + command[1] + " Doesn't have permissions.") else: if perms != "": irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": " + perms) else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": none") elif command[0] == "$restart": if perms == "full" or "reboot" in perms.split(",") or "restart" in perms.split(","): irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Restarting bot...") sleep(1) ossystem("sudo systemctl restart sweebot") else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Permission denied.") block+=1 run-=1 update() elif command[0] == "$pull": if perms == "full" or "git" in perms.split(","): ossystem("git fetch") ossystem("git pull") irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Pulled from Git, restarting bot...") sleep(1) ossystem("sudo systemctl restart sweebot") else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Permission denied.") block+=1 run-=1 update() elif command[0] == "$join": if perms == "full" or "join" in perms.split(","): if len(command) == 2: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Joining " + command[1]) irc.irc_socket.send(bytes("JOIN " + command[1] + "\n", "UTF-8")) irc2.irc_socket.send(bytes("JOIN " + command[1] + "\n", "UTF-8")) irc3.irc_socket.send(bytes("JOIN " + command[1] + "\n", "UTF-8")) multiline(channel=command[1], text="A wild bot appears! ($join initiated by " + nick + ")") else: if len(command) == 1: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": I NEED A CHANNEL NAME TO JOIN!!!") else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Y'know this only uses one argument? JUST THE CHANNEL NAME!!!") else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Permission denied.") block+=1 run-=1 update() elif command[0] == "$part": if perms == "full" or "part" in perms.split(","): if len(command) == 2: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Parting " + command[1]) irc.irc_socket.send(bytes("PART " + command[1] + "\n", "UTF-8")) irc2.irc_socket.send(bytes("PART " + command[1] + "\n", "UTF-8")) irc3.irc_socket.send(bytes("PART " + command[1] + "\n", "UTF-8")) else: if len(command) == 1: irc.send_irc(channel, "Bye bye!") sleep(1) irc.irc_socket.send(bytes("PART " + channel + "\n", "UTF-8")) irc2.irc_socket.send(bytes("PART " + channel + "\n", "UTF-8")) irc3.irc_socket.send(bytes("PART " + channel + "\n", "UTF-8")) else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Y'know this only uses one or zero arguments?") else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Permission denied.") block+=1 run-=1 update() elif command[0] == "$socket": if perms == "full": if len(command) > 1: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Sending to socket...") irc.irc_socket.send(bytes(" ".join(command[1:]) + "\n", "UTF-8")) irc2.irc_socket.send(bytes(" ".join(command[1:]) + "\n", "UTF-8")) irc3.irc_socket.send(bytes(" ".join(command[1:]) + "\n", "UTF-8")) else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": what to send to the server?") else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Permission denied.") block+=1 run-=1 update() elif command[0] == "$shell": if perms == "full": #or "shell" in perms.split(",") if len(command) > 1: try: system(command[1:], channel) except Exception as ex: multiline(traceback.format_exc(), channel) else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": What do you want me to F-ing run in the shell?") else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Permission denied.") block+=1 run-=1 update() elif command[0] == "$version": irc.send_irc(channel, "This is SweeBot " + __version__) elif command[0] == "$figlet": if not sbconfig.cflagexist(channel, "-multiline"): if len(command) > 1: try: system(['figlet'] + command[1:], channel) except Exception as ex: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": " + ex.__class__.__name__) else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": What text should I enlarge?") else: multiline("Multiline commands are disabled in this channel.", channel) elif command[0] == "$tdfiglet": if not sbconfig.cflagexist(channel, "-multiline"): if len(command) > 1: try: system(['tdfiglet', '-cm', "-r"] + command[1:], channel) except Exception as ex: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": " + ex.__class__.__name__) else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": What text should I enlarge?") else: multiline("Multiline commands are disabled in this channel.", channel) elif command[0] == "$cowsay": if not sbconfig.cflagexist(channel, "-multiline"): if len(command) > 1: try: system(['cowsay'] + command[1:], channel) except Exception as ex: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": " + ex.__class__.__name__) else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": What should the cow say?") else: multiline("Multiline commands are disabled in this channel.", channel) elif command[0] == "$uptime": try: system(['uptime', '-p'], channel) except Exception as ex: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": " + ex.__class__.__name__) elif command[0] == "$joke": try: system(['pyjoke'] + command[1:], channel) except Exception as ex: multiline(traceback.format_exc(), channel) elif command[0] == "$botsnack": multiline(f"\x01ACTION eats some {choice(snacks)}\x01", channel) #elif command[0] == "$sed": # if len(command) > 1: #try: # if True: # com = ['sed',"" + command[1] + ""] # print(command[1]) # texte = open("log-text-"+channel).read().split("\n") # texte.reverse() # texte.pop(0) # texte.pop(0) # print(texte) # texttoreplace = "" # j = 0 # broken = False # for i in texte: # if command[1].split("/")[1] in i: # texttoreplace = i # broken = True # break # j+=1 # if not broken: # irc.send_irc(channel, "Unable to correct: '" + command[1].split("/")[1] + "' not found in any chat message.") # continue # namee = open("log-name-"+channel).read().split("\n") # namee.reverse() # namee.pop(0) # namee.pop(0) # namee = namee[j] # open("temp","w").write(texttoreplace) # com.append("temp") # print(com) # result = subprocess.run(com, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # output = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').split("\n") # irc.send_irc(channel, "Correction using sed: <" + namee + "> " + output[0]) # #except Exception as ex: # #irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": " + ex.__class__.__name__) # else: # irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": What to correct?") elif command[0] == "$config": try: if len(command) > 1: if perms == "full": abort = False flag = sbconfig.chansettings(channel) for i in command[1:]: if i == "clear": flag = ["+config"] elif i[0] == "+": if "-" + i[1:] in flag: flag[flag.index("-" + i[1:])] = i else: flag.append(i) elif i[0] == "-": if "+" + i[1:] in flag: flag[flag.index("+" + i[1:])] = i else: flag.append(i) else: multiline(nick + ": flag name should begin with + or -", channel) abort = True break if not abort: print(flag) sbconfig.setchanconfig(channel, flag) multiline(nick + ": Successfuly applied configuration: " + " ".join(flag), channel) else: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Permission denied") block+=1 run-=1 update() else: multiline("Configuration for " + channel + ": " + " ".join(sbconfig.chansettings(channel)), channel) except ex: multiline(str(ex), channel) else: if ".." in command[0][:3]: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Nice try.") block+=1 run-=1 update() else: if path.isfile("cc/" + command[0][1:]): try: if sbconfig.cflagexist(channel, "-multiline") and "#require-multiline" in open("cc/" + command[0][1:]).read(): irc.send_irc(channel, "Multiline commands are disabled in this channel.") else: com = ['python3'] comm = command com.append("cc/" + comm[0][1:]) com.append(nick) com.append(username) comm.pop(0) for i in comm: com.append(i) system(com, channel) except Exception as ex: irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": " + ex.__class__.__name__) elif path.isdir("cc/" + command[0][1:]): irc.send_irc(channel, nick + ": Command list under cc/debug: " + ", ".join(listdir("cc/" + command[0][1:])) + ".") else: print(nick + ": Unrecognised command") elif command[0] == ":3": if not sbconfig.cflagexist(channel, "-colonthree"): irc.send_irc(channel, ":3") elif ":3c" in command: if not sbconfig.cflagexist(channel, "-colonthree"): multiline(channel, choice(threes)) # try to parse and find a link if sbconfig.cflagexist(channel, "+links"): try: for i in command: if i[:8] == "https://": try: e = get(i, headers=headers, timeout=10) if e.ok: soup = BeautifulSoup(e.text, 'html.parser') multiline("(" + nick + ") " + soup.title.string if soup.title != None else "[No title provided]", channel) else: multiline("(" + nick + ") [HTTP " + str(e.status_code) + "]", channel) except rex.SSLError as ex: multiline("(" + nick + ") [SSL Error: " + str(ex.__cause__) + "]", channel) except: multiline("(" + nick + ") [Request error:" + str(ex.__cause__) + "]", channel) elif i[:7] == "http://": e = get(i, headers=headers, timeout=10) if e.ok: soup = BeautifulSoup(e.text, 'html.parser') multiline("(" + nick + ") " + soup.title.string if soup.title != None else "[No title provided]", channel) else: multiline("(" + nick + ") [HTTP " + str(e.status_code) + "]", channel) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) elif "JOIN" in text and "#nixsanctuary" in text: nick = text.split(":")[1].split("!")[0] if not "swe" in nick: irc.send_irc("##hiya", "hiya: " + nick + " has joined #nixsanctuary") pass except Exception as ex: print(traceback.format_exc())