#!/usr/bin/python3 __version__ = "0.0.5" print(f"Codename IRCat v{__version__}") print("Welcome! /ᐠ ˵> ⩊ <˵マ") import socket, time, ssl, threading, traceback, sys, subprocess, yaml, sqlite3, os, importlib, datetime from OpenSSL import SSL from requests import get if not len(sys.argv) == 2: print("IRCat requires the following arguments: config.yml") sys.exit(1) server = "" displayname = "foo" identifier = "somewhere in the universe" admin_nick = "admin" data_path = "" motd = """ ____ _ ___ ____ ____ _ / ___|___ __| | ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ |_ _| _ \ / ___|__ _| |_ | | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | || |_) | | / _` | __| | |__| (_) | (_| | __/ | | | (_| | | | | | | __/ | || _ <| |__| (_| | |_ \____\___/ \__,_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| |___|_| \_\\\\____\__,_|\__| https://ircat.xyz This server doesn't have a MOTD in its configuration, or is invalid.""" motd_file = None ping_timeout = 255 restrict_ip = '' def isalphanumeric(text:str, channel=False): alphanumericity = list("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890+-_[]^\\|<>?`" + ("$%*,./~'\"{};#=" if channel else "")) for i in text: if not i in alphanumericity: return False return True def getident(hostt:str, clientport:int, ssll:bool): try: identsender = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) identsender.settimeout(5) responsee = "" try: identsender.connect((hostt, 113)) except Exception as ex: return {"success": False, "response": f"Could not connect to your ident server: {ex}"} serverport = "6697" if ssll else "6667" try: identsender.sendall(bytes(f"{clientport}, {serverport}\r\n", "UTF-8")) responsee = identsender.recv(2048).decode().replace(" ", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") print(responsee) except Exception as ex: return {"success": False, "response": f"Could not send packets to your server: {ex}"} if "ERROR:NO-USER" in responsee: return {"success": False, "response": "No user was found by the server."} elif "ERROR:" in responsee: return {"success": False, "response": "The ident server had an error."} elif responsee == "": return {"success": False, "response": "The connection was closed."} else: print(responsee.split(",")[0]) print(responsee.split(",")[1].split(":")[0]) if responsee.split(",")[0] != str(clientport): return {"success": False, "response": "The ident server sent an invalid client port."} elif responsee.split(",")[1].split(":")[0] != serverport: return {"success": False, "response": "The ident server doesn't know what the server port is."} else: return {"success": True, "response": responsee.split(",")[1].split(":")[3]} return {"success": False, "response": "Unknown error."} except: print(traceback.format_exc()) return {"success": False, "response": "Unknown error."} global mods mods = {"sql_provider": None, "command": [], "allsocket": [], "identified": False, "ssl": False} with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file: global data2 data = yaml.safe_load(file) data2 = data try: server = data["host"] except: print("using fallback server address") try: displayname = data["name"] except: print("using fallback display name") try: identifier = data["identifier"] except: print("using fallback identifier") try: admin_nick = data["admin-nick"] except: print("using fallback admin nick") try: motd = data["motd"] except: print("using fallback MOTD") try: motd_file = data["motd-file"] except: print("Not reading MOTD from a file.") try: ping_timeout = int(data["ping-timeout"]) except: print("Using 255 as a ping timeout.") try: restrict_ip = data["restrict-ip"] except: print("Listening on all hosts possible.") try: ssl_option = bool(data["ssl"]) except: print("SSL will be off.") ssl_option = False if ssl_option: try: ssl_cert = data["ssl_cert"] except: print("IRCat needs an SSL cert to use SSL!") sys.exit(1) try: ssl_pkey = data["ssl_pkey"] except: print("IRCat needs an SSL Private Key to use SSL!") try: modules = data["modules"] except: print("IRCat needs at least one module enabled.") sys.exit(1) file.close() print("Successfully loaded config!") for mod in modules: i = mod if not os.path.isabs(i): i = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/modules/" + i try: print(f"Importing module {mod}...") spc = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(mod, f"{i}.py") temp_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spc) spc.loader.exec_module(temp_module) for j in temp_module.__ircat_requires__: if not j in data: raise Exception(f"Module {mod} requires {j} in configuration.") if temp_module.__ircat_type__ == "sql.provider": if mods["sql_provider"] == None: mods["sql_provider"] = temp_module else: raise Exception(f"Tried to import {mod} as an SQL provider, but something's already the SQL provider.") elif temp_module.__ircat_type__ == "command": mods["command"].append(temp_module) elif temp_module.__ircat_type__ == "allsocket": mods["allsocket"].append(temp_module) except: print(f"Module {i} failed to load.") print(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(1) global topic_list topic_list = {} channels_list = {} # Store channels and their user lists if mods["sql_provider"] == None: print("IRCat needs an SQL provider.") sys.exit(1) sqlproviderequires = {} for i in mods["sql_provider"].__ircat_requires__: sqlproviderequires[i.replace("-", "_")] = data[i] config = mods["sql_provider"].broker(**sqlproviderequires) global socketListeners socketListeners = [] for i in mods['allsocket']: requires = {} for j in i.__ircat_requires__: requires[j.replace("-", "_")] = data[j] if "sql" in i.__ircat_giveme__: requires["sql"] = config try: print(i.__ircat_fakechannels__) topic_list = {**topic_list, **i.__ircat_fakechannels__} for j, v in i.__ircat_fakechannels__.items(): channels_list[j] = ["CatServ"] except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) socketListeners.append(i.IRCatModule(**requires)) commandProviders = [] nickname_list = {} # Stores nicknames and the respective sockets lower_nicks = {"catserv": "CatServ"} # Nicknames in lowercase property_list = {"CatServ": {"host": "IRCatCore", "username": "Meow", "realname": "Updates bot", "modes": "iw", "away": False}} # Stores properties for active users and channels for i in mods['command']: requires = {} for j in i.__ircat_requires__: requires[j.replace("-", "_")] = data[j] if "sql" in i.__ircat_giveme__: requires["sql"] = config try: print(i.__ircat_fakeusers__) property_list = {**property_list, **i.__ircat_fakeusers__} for j, v in i.__ircat_fakeusers__.items(): lower_nicks[j.lower()] = j except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) commandProviders.append(i.IRCatModule(**requires)) sockets = {} sockets_ssl = {} # Open the specified non-SSL sockets. for i in restrict_ip.split(" "): sockets[i] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sockets[i].setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sockets[i].settimeout(None) sockets[i].bind((i,6667)) sockets[i].listen(1) if ssl_option: for i in restrict_ip.split(" "): sockets_ssl[i] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sockets_ssl[i].setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sockets_ssl[i].settimeout(None) sockets_ssl[i].bind((i,6697)) sockets_ssl[i].listen(1) opened=True lower_chans = {} # Channel names in lowercase def pinger(nick, connection): global property_list while nick in property_list: if (time.time() - property_list[nick]["last_ping"]) > 30 and not property_list[nick]["ping_pending"]: if nick in property_list: print("Sent ping message to " + nick) property_list[nick]["ping_pending"] = True time.sleep(0.5) try: connection.sendall(bytes(f"PING {server}\r\n","UTF-8")) except Exception as ex: print(traceback.format_exc()) property_list[nick]["cause"] = "Send error: " + str(ex) print("SHUTTING DOWN FOR " + nick) connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) connection.close() break elif property_list[nick]["ping_pending"] and ((time.time() - property_list[nick]["last_ping"]) > ping_timeout): if nick in property_list: property_list[nick]["cause"] = f"Ping timeout: {ping_timeout} seconds" print("SHUTTING DOWN FOR " + nick) connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) connection.close() break def session(connection, client, ip, isssl=False): global property_list global channels_list global nickname_list pending = "*" # The nickname of the client already_set = False # If the client gave the server a NICK packet ready = False # If the client gave the server a USER packet finished = False # If the server gave the client its information, indicating it's ready. username = "oreo" # Username/ident specified by client rident = "~oreo" # Real ident hostname = "" # Hostname, can be IP or domain realname = "realname" # Realname specified by client safe_quit = False # If the client safely exited, or if the server should manually drop the connection cause = "Unknown" # The cause of the unexpected exit usesIRCv3 = False CAPEND = False clident = None pendingCommands = "" # list of commands that were executed before verification unfinished = False textt = "" pendingSend = "" # Text that should be sent to the client IRCv3Features = [] # List of Acknowledged IRCv3 features. def tags(): # Get IRCv3 tags tags = "" if "server-time" in IRCv3Features: tags += "@time=" + datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()[:-9] + "Z" # >>> datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat() # '2025-02-05T00:15:50.370474+00:00' # ^^^^^^^^^ # Cutting these off the string return tags + (" " if tags != "" else "") def tags_diffclient(nick:str): # Get tags of another client othercap = property_list[nick]["v3cap"] tags = "" if "server-time" in othercap: tags += "@time=" + datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()[:-9] + "Z" return tags + (" " if tags != "" else "") try: print("Connected to client IP: {}".format(client)) if isssl: connection.do_handshake() tlsver = connection.version() print(f"Got SSL version: {tlsver}") connection.settimeout(None) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Looking for your hostname...\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Checking your ident...\r\n","UTF-8")) try: hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(client[0])[0] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Got hostname! {hostname}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: hostname = client[0] connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Oof! Can't find your hostname, using IP...\r\n","UTF-8")) try: identQuery = getident(hostname, client[1], isssl) responseee = identQuery["response"] print(identQuery) if not identQuery["success"]: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Uhm, Couldn't find your ident: {responseee}\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Got ident! {responseee}\r\n","UTF-8")) clident = responseee rident = responseee except: print(traceback.format_exc()) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} NOTICE * :*** Uhm, Couldn't find your ident: Unknown error.\r\n","UTF-8")) while True: try: data = connection.recv(2048) if not data: cause = "Remote host closed the connection" break except ssl.SSLEOFError: print("EOF occurred.") pass except ssl.SSLZeroReturnError: print(traceback.format_exc()) cause = "Remote host closed the connection" break except Exception as ex: print(traceback.format_exc()) cause = "Read error: " + str(ex) break print("Received data: {}".format(data)) try: textt += data.decode() if textt[-1] == "\n": for text in textt.replace("\r", "").split("\n"): for i in socketListeners: if "onSocket" in dir(i): i.onSocket(socket=connection, ip=client[0], value=text, cachedNick=pending if pending != "*" else None, validated=finished, v3tag=tags()) command = text.split(" ")[0].upper() try: args = text.split(" ")[1:] except: pass if command == "NICK" and not finished: pending = text.split(" ")[1] if pending[0] == ":": pending = pending[1:] if not isalphanumeric(pending): connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 432 * {pending} :Erroneus nickname\r\n","UTF-8")) pending = "*" elif pending.lower() in lower_nicks: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 433 * {pending} :Nickname is already in use.\r\n","UTF-8")) pending = "*" else: already_set = True print(f"User {pending} set nick") elif command == "USER": if not ready: username = text.split(" ")[1] realname = " ".join(text.split(" ")[4:])[1:] ready = True elif command == "CAP": if args[0].upper() == "LS": connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} CAP * LS :server-time\r\n", "UTF-8")) elif args[0].upper() == "REQ": usesIRCv3 = True # Halt the registration process until CAP END capabilities = " ".join(args[1:])[1:].split(" ") capsuccess = True for cap in capabilities: if cap == "server-time": IRCv3Features.append("server-time") else: capsuccess = False break capper = " ".join(capabilities) if capsuccess: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} CAP * ACK :{capper}\r\n", "UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} CAP * NAK :{capper}\r\n", "UTF-8")) elif args[0].upper() == "END": CAPEND = True elif command == "WEBIRC" and not finished: try: if args[0] == data2["webirc_pass"]: hostname = args[2] client = (args[3], client[1]) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} NOTICE * :*** WebIRC detected, welcome to IRC!\r\n", "UTF-8")) if hostname != client[0]: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} NOTICE * :*** Got WebIRC hostname! {hostname}\r\n", "UTF-8")) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) break elif (ready and already_set) and (CAPEND if usesIRCv3 else True) and not finished: cleanup_manual() print(f"User {pending} successfully logged in.") nickname_list[pending] = connection property_list[pending] = {"host": hostname, "username": clident if clident != None else f"~{username }", "realname": realname, "modes": "iw", "last_ping": time.time(), "ping_pending": False, "away": False, "identified": False, "ssl": isssl, "v3cap": IRCv3Features} lower_nicks[pending.lower()] = pending for i in socketListeners: if "onValidate" in dir(i): i.onValidate(socket=connection, ip=client[0], v3cap=IRCv3Features) threading.Thread(target=pinger, args=[pending, connection]).start() if clident == None: rident = f"~{username}" connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 001 {pending} :Welcome to the {displayname} Internet Relay Chat Network {pending}\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 002 {pending} :Your host is {server}[{ip}/6667], running version IRCat-v{__version__}\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 004 {pending} {server} IRCat-{__version__} iow msitnR lfovkqb\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 005 {pending} CHANMODES=bq,k,fl,irmnpst CHANTYPES=# NETWORK={displayname} :are supported by this server\r\n", "UTF-8")) # connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 251 {pending} :There are {allusers} users and {allinvis} invisible in {servers} servers\r\n", "UTF-8")) Not supported as there isn't multi-server capability (yet) ops = 0 # Placeholder, will replace with caclulating how much people have +o connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 252 {pending} {ops} :IRC Operators online\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 253 {pending} 0 :unknown connection(s)\r\n", "UTF-8")) # Replace 0 with a variable of not setup clients. chans = len(channels_list) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 254 {pending} {chans} :channels formed\r\n", "UTF-8")) cleints = len(nickname_list) servers = 1 connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 255 {pending} :I have {cleints} clients and {servers} servers\r\n", "UTF-8")) # Start the MOTD if motd_file != None: motd = open(motd_file).read() connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 375 {pending} :- {server} Message of the Day -\r\n", "UTF-8")) for i in motd.rstrip().split("\n"): connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 372 {pending} :- {i}\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 376 {pending} :End of /MOTD command\r\n", "UTF-8")) # End the MOTD connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{pending} MODE {pending} +iw\r\n","UTF-8")) finished = True elif command == "PING": try: e = text.split(" ")[1] e = f":{e}" if e[0] != ":" else e pendingSend += f"{tags}:{server} PONG {server} {e}\r\n" except: pendingSend += f"{tags}:{server} PONG {server}\r\n" elif command == "MOTD": if motd_file != None: motd = open(motd_file).read() connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 375 {pending} :- {server} Message of the Day -\r\n", "UTF-8")) for i in motd.rstrip().split("\n"): connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 372 {pending} :- {i}\r\n", "UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 376 {pending} :End of /MOTD command\r\n", "UTF-8")) elif finished: pendingCommands += text for comd in pendingCommands.replace("\r", "").split("\n"): command = comd.split(" ")[0].upper() args = comd.split(" ")[1:] text = comd processedExternally = False for i in commandProviders: cmdrun = i.command(command=command, args=args, nick=pending, ip=client[0], user=property_list[pending], connection=connection, v3tag=tags()) if cmdrun["success"]: if "identify" in cmdrun: if cmdrun["identify"] == "logout": if "o" in property_list[pending]["modes"]: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{pending} MODE {pending} -o\r\n","UTF-8")) if not "i" in property_list[pending]["modes"]: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{pending} MODE {pending} +i\r\n","UTF-8")) if not "w" in property_list[pending]["modes"]: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{pending} MODE {pending} +w\r\n","UTF-8")) property_list[pending]["modes"] = "iw" property_list[pending]["identified"] = False else: property_list[pending]["identified"] = True property_list[pending]["identusername"] = cmdrun["identify"][0] temp_mode = cmdrun["identify"][1] property_list[pending]["modes"] = temp_mode connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{pending} MODE {pending} +{temp_mode}\r\n","UTF-8")) processedExternally = True break if processedExternally: pass elif command == "JOIN": channels = text.split(" ")[1] if channels[0] == ":": channels = channels[1:] for channelt in channels.split(","): channel = channelt.strip() if isalphanumeric(channel, True): if channel.lower() in lower_chans: channel = lower_chans[channel.lower()] success = True if channel in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[channel]: success=False print(f"{pending} is already in {channel} , ignoring JOIN request.") if success: try: if channel in channels_list: channels_list[channel].append(pending) else: channels_list[channel] = [pending] lower_chans[channel.lower()] = channel topic_list[channel] = "Topic is not implemented." except: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} NOTICE * :*** Could not join {channel}\r\n","UTF-8")) print(channels_list) for i in channels_list[channel]: try: nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f":{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} JOIN {channel}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: pass # Code re-used in the NAMES command if channel in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[channel]: users = " ".join(channels_list[channel]) connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 353 {pending} = {channel} :{users}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 366 {pending} {channel} :End of /NAMES list.\r\n","UTF-8")) print("Successfully pre-loaded /NAMES list") else: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 479 {pending} {channel} :Channel has erroneus characters\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "LIST": connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 321 {pending} Channel :Users Name\r\n","UTF-8")) for key, value in topic_list.items(): usersin = len(channels_list[key]) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 322 {pending} {key} {usersin} :{value}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 323 {pending} :End of /LIST\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "PONG": e = text.split(" ")[1] if e == server or e == f":{server}": print(pending + " replied to PING.") property_list[pending]["last_ping"] = time.time() property_list[pending]["ping_pending"] = False elif command == "NICK": if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) elif text.split(" ")[1] == pending: pass else: pending2 = text.split(" ")[1] if pending2[0] == ":": pending2 = pending2[1:] if not isalphanumeric(pending2): connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 432 {pending} {pending2} :Erroneus nickname\r\n","UTF-8")) elif pending2.lower() in lower_nicks: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 433 {pending} {pending2} :Nickname is already in use.\r\n","UTF-8")) else: print("Sending nickname change...") connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} NICK {pending2}\r\n","UTF-8")) # Broadcast the nickname change done = [] for i, users in channels_list.items(): if pending in users: for j in users: if j != pending and j != pending2 and not j in done: print("Broadcasting on " + j) nickname_list[j].sendall(bytes(f"{tags_diffclient(j)}:{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) done.append(j) # Replace the nickname try: print("Changing on " + i) channels_list[i].remove(pending) channels_list[i].append(pending2) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) print("Moving config...") property_list[pending2] = property_list.pop(pending) nickname_list[pending2] = nickname_list.pop(pending) del lower_nicks[pending.lower()] lower_nicks[pending2.lower()] = pending2 print("starting pinger...") pending = pending2 property_list[pending2]["ping_pending"] = False property_list[pending2]["last_ping"] = time.time() threading.Thread(target=pinger, args=[pending, connection]).start() print(f"User {pending} set nick") print("Broadcasting nickname change...") elif command == "PART": if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) else: channel = text.split(" ")[1] for i in channels_list[channel]: try: nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f"{tags_diffclient(i)}:{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: pass try: channels_list[channel].remove(pending) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) elif command == "AWAY": if len(args) == 0: property_list[pending]["away"] = False connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 305 {pending} :You are no longer marked as being away\r\n","UTF-8")) else: reasons = " ".join(args) if reasons[0] == ":": reasons = reasons[1:] property_list[pending]["away"] = True property_list[pending]["reason"] = reasons connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 306 {pending} :You have been marked as being away\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "WHO": if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) else: channel = text.split(" ")[1] if channel in channels_list: for i in channels_list[channel]: who_host = property_list[i]["host"] who_user = property_list[i]["username"] who_realname = property_list[i]["realname"] who_away = "G" if property_list[i]["away"] else "H" connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 352 {pending} {channel} {who_user} {who_host} {server} {i} {who_away} :0 {who_realname}\r\n","UTF-8")) elif channel in nickname_list: who_host = property_list[channel]["host"] who_user = property_list[channel]["username"] who_realname = property_list[channel]["realname"] who_away = "G" if property_list[channel]["away"] else "H" connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 352 {pending} * {who_user} {who_host} {server} {channel} {who_away} :0 {who_realname}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 315 {pending} {channel} :End of /WHO list.\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "WHOIS": if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) else: target = text.split(" ")[1] if target.lower() in lower_nicks: target = lower_nicks[target.lower()] if target in property_list: who_user = property_list[target]["username"] who_realname = property_list[target]["realname"] who_host = property_list[target]["host"] who_identified = property_list[target]["identified"] who_ssl = property_list[target]["ssl"] if who_identified: who_identifying = property_list[target]["identusername"] else: who_identifying = None try: who_flags = property_list[target]["modes"] except: who_flags = None connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 311 {pending} {target} {who_user} {who_host} * :{who_realname}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 312 {pending} {target} {server} :{identifier}\r\n","UTF-8")) if "o" in who_flags: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 313 {pending} {target} :is an IRC operator\r\n","UTF-8")) who_away = property_list[target]["away"] if who_away: who_reason = who_away = property_list[target]["reason"] connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 301 {pending} {target} :{who_reason}\r\n","UTF-8")) if who_identified: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 330 {pending} {target} {who_identifying} :is logged in as\r\n","UTF-8")) if who_ssl: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 671 {pending} {target} :is using a secure connection\r\n","UTF-8")) #connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 317 {pending} {target} {time} :seconds idle\r\n","UTF-8")) # I haven't implemented idle time yet. if who_flags != None and who_flags != "iw": connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 379 {pending} {target} :Is using modes +{who_flags}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 318 {pending} {target} :End of /WHOIS list\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 401 {pending} {target} :No such nick/channel\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "NAMES": if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) else: channel = text.split(" ")[1] if channel in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[channel]: users = " ".join(channels_list[channel]) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 353 {pending} = {channel} :{users}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 366 {pending} {channel} :End of /NAMES list.\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "NOTICE": if len(args) >= 2: target = text.split(" ")[1] if target.lower() in lower_nicks: target = lower_nicks[target.lower()] if target in channels_list: if pending in channels_list[target]: for i in channels_list[channel]: try: if i != pending: nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f"{tags_diffclient(i)}:{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) except: pass elif target in nickname_list: nickname_list[target].sendall(bytes(f"{tags_diffclient(target)}:{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 401 {pending} {target} :No such nick/channel\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "QUIT": # Parse the quit message. done = [] if len(text.split(" ")) == 1: msg = "Client Quit" else: msg = text.split(" ")[1:] if msg[0][0] == ":": msg[0]=msg[0][1:] if len(msg) > 0: mse = " ".join(msg) msg = f"Quit: {mse}" text = f"QUIT :{msg}" # Broadcast all users in the joined channels that the person quit. for i, users in channels_list.items(): if pending in users: for j in users: if j != pending and not j in done: nickname_list[j].sendall(bytes(f"{tags_diffclient(j)}:{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) done.append(j) # Remove the quitting user from the channel. try: channels_list[i].remove(pending) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) # Confirm QUIT and close the socket. try: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"ERROR :Closing Link: {hostname} ({msg})\r\n","UTF-8")) finally: connection.close() safe_quit = True break elif command == "MODE": target = args[0] if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) elif len(args) == 1: if args[0] == pending: yourmodes = property_list[pending]["modes"] connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 221 {pending} +{yourmodes}\r\n","UTF-8")) elif args[0] in channels_list: if args[0] in property_list: if "modes" in property_list[args[0]]: # Get the modes + parameters, then print them out. modes = property_list[args[0]]["modes"] params = property_list[args[0]]["params"] connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 221 {pending} {target} +{modes} {params}\r\n","UTF-8")) else: # Default channel mode connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 324 {pending} {target} +n\r\n","UTF-8")) else: # Default channel mode connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 324 {pending} {target} +n\r\n","UTF-8")) else: if args[0][0] == "#": connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 403 {pending} {target} :No such channel\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 505 {pending} :Cant change mode for other users\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "CATSERV" or (command == "PRIVMSG" and args[0].lower() == "catserv"): if command == "PRIVMSG": args = args[1:] if args[0][0] == ":": args[0] = args[0][1:] if len(args) == 0: connection.sendall(bytes(f":{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) elif args[0].upper() == "PULL": updater = subprocess.run(["git", "pull"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if updater.stdout.decode().strip() == "Already up to date.": connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:CatServ!Meow@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :Codename IRCat is already up-to-date.\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:CatServ!Meow@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :Done, it is recommended to use /RESTART if you're an IRC op\r\n","UTF-8")) elif args[0].upper() == "VERSION": connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:CatServ!Meow@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :Codename IRCat version {__version__}\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:CatServ!Meow@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :This is Codename IRCat's integrated services.\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:CatServ!Meow@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :CatServ Usage:\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:CatServ!Meow@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :PULL - Pulls the latest version of Codename IRCat\r\n","UTF-8")) connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:CatServ!Meow@IRCatCore NOTICE {pending} :VERSION - Gets the version number of this service.\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "RESTART": if "o" in property_list[pending]["modes"]: global opened opened = False else: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 481 {pending} :Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator\r\n","UTF-8")) elif command == "PRIVMSG": if len(args) >= 2: target = text.split(" ")[1] if target.lower() in lower_nicks: target = lower_nicks[target.lower()] if target in channels_list: print("Sending to "+ target + " Channel") if pending in channels_list[target]: print(channels_list[target]) for i in channels_list[target]: try: if i != pending: print(i) print(f":{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} {text}\r\n") nickname_list[i].sendall(bytes(f"{tags_diffclient(i)}:{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) else: print(i + " Is the current user!") except: print(traceback.format_exc()) elif target in nickname_list: nickname_list[target].sendall(bytes(f"{tags_diffclient(target)}:{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} {text}\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 401 {pending} {target} :No such nick/channel\r\n","UTF-8")) else: connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 461 {pending} {command} :Not enough parameters\r\n","UTF-8")) # Ignore empty text elif text.split(" ")[0] == "": pass else: # Unknown command cmd = text.split(" ")[0] connection.sendall(bytes(f"{tags()}:{server} 421 {pending} {cmd} :Unknown command\r\n","UTF-8")) pendingCommands = "" else: pendingCommands += text textt = "" connection.sendall(bytes(pendingSend, "UTF-8")) pendingSend = "" except Exception as ex: print(traceback.format_exc()) cause = "" + str(ex) break finally: connection.close() try: if "cause" in property_list[pending]: cause = property_list[pending]["cause"] if pending != "*": del nickname_list[pending] del property_list[pending] del lower_nicks[pending.lower()] if not safe_quit: done = [] for i, users in channels_list.items(): if pending in users: for j in users: if j != pending and not j in done: try: nickname_list[j].sendall(bytes(f"{tags_diffclient(j)}:{pending}!{rident}@{hostname} QUIT :{cause}\r\n","UTF-8")) done.append(j) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) # Remove the quitting user from the channel. try: channels_list[i].remove(pending) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) cleanup_manual() def cleanup(): while True: time.sleep(15) cleanup_manual() def cleanup_manual(): global channels_list global property_list print("Cleaning up...") for j, i in channels_list.items(): for h in i: if not h in property_list: print("Found a detached connection: " + h) i.remove(h) for k in channels_list[j]: if k != h and k in nickname_list: nickname_list[k].sendall(f":{h}!DISCONNECTED@DISCONNECTED PART {j} :IRCat Cleanup: Found missing connection!!\r\n") def tcp_session(sock): while True: try: while opened: print("Waiting for connection...") connection, client = sock.accept() ip_to = restrict_ip threading.Thread(target=session, daemon=True, args=[connection, client, ip_to]).start() except: print("Something went wrong...") print(traceback.format_exc()) def ssl_session(sock): while True: try: while opened: context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) context.minimum_version = ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1_2 context.set_ciphers('DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=0') context.load_cert_chain(ssl_cert, keyfile=ssl_pkey) print("Waiting for connection...") connection, client = sock.accept() ip_to = restrict_ip conn = context.wrap_socket(connection, server_side=True) threading.Thread(target=session, daemon=True, args=[conn, client, ip_to, True]).start() except: print("Something went wrong...") print(traceback.format_exc()) for ip, i in sockets.items(): print("Now listening on port 6667 with IP " + ip) threading.Thread(target=tcp_session, args=[i], daemon=True).start() if ssl_option: for ip, i in sockets_ssl.items(): print("Now listening on SSL port 6697 with IP " + ip) threading.Thread(target=ssl_session, args=[i], daemon=True).start() while opened: pass print("Shutting down...")