Lightweight IRCd in Python * [Mastodon tag (for updates)](https://mastodon.swee.codes/tags/CodenameIRCat) * [Issue tracker](https://discuss.swee.codes/c/12) [To-do list](todo.md) # Looking for SweeNet? You may check out the server details on https://ircat.xyz/try Alternatively, you can access the webchat on https://web.ircat.xyz # How to install ## Requirements * Python 3 (Doesn't matter which platform, but IRCat is only tested on Linux) * `requests` module * `yaml` module (`pyyaml` on PyPi/pip) * `cloudflare` module (MUST be version 4.0.0 or higher, Optional: only needed for `cfd1` plugin.) ## Configuration You can get configuration by editing the `config.yml` example in this repo. ## Command syntax ```bash python3 /path/to/ircat/server.py /path/to/config.yml ```