import os, sys, sqlite3 __ircat_type__ = "allsocket" __ircat_requires__ = ["ban-provider", "host"] __ircat_giveme__ = ["sql"] # Only command and allsocket have these. class IRCatModule: memory = {} # {ip: [content]} useSQLengine = False def __init__(self, ban_provider, host, sql): self.ban_provider = ban_provider = host if ban_provider == "sql": self.useSQLengine = True self.SQLengine = sql def onValidate(self, socket, ip, *args, **kwargs): bans = open(self.ban_provider).read().split("\n") for i in bans: if ip in i.split(" ")[0]: print("IP is banned, killing connection now...") reason = " ".join(i.split(" ")[1:]) host = socket.sendall(bytes(f":{host} 465 * :You are banned from this server\r\n","UTF-8")) socket.sendall(bytes(f"ERROR :Closing Link: {ip} (K-Lined: {reason})\r\n","UTF-8")) raise Exception("K-Lined: " + " ".join(i.split(" ")[1:])) def onSocket(self, socket, value, ip, cachedNick=None, validated=False, *args, **kwargs): if validated: if self.useSQLengine: pass else: bans = open(self.ban_provider).read().split("\n") for i in bans: if ip in i.split(" ")[0]: print("IP is banned, killing connection now...") reason = " ".join(i.split(" ")[1:]) host = socket.sendall(bytes(f":{host} 465 * :You are banned from this server\r\n","UTF-8")) socket.sendall(bytes(f"ERROR :Closing Link: {ip} (K-Lined: {reason})\r\n","UTF-8")) raise Exception("Banned: " + " ".join(i.split(" ")[1:])) def ban(self, target_mask, reason="The ban() hammer has spoken!"): if self.useSQLengine: cur = self.SQLengine.conn.cursor() else: open(self.ban_provider, "a").write(f"\n{target_mask} {reason}")