2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
# Replacement for services bots.
2025-01-21 20:43:56 -08:00
import traceback , smtplib , uuid , ssl
2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
__ircat_type__ = " command "
2025-01-22 19:35:21 -08:00
__ircat_requires__ = [ " name " , " smtp_host " , " smtp_port " , " smtp_starttls " , " smtp_username " , " smtp_password " , " host " ]
2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
__ircat_giveme__ = [ " sql " ] # Only command and allsocket have these.
__ircat_fakeusers__ = {
" NickServ " : {
" host " : " PawServ " ,
" username " : " Meow " ,
" realname " : " PawServ plugin - Identification bot " ,
2025-01-23 11:32:10 -08:00
" modes " : " iw " ,
" away " : False ,
" identified " : False ,
" ssl " : False
2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
} ,
" ChanServ " : {
" host " : " PawServ " ,
" username " : " Meow " ,
" realname " : " PawServ plugin - Channel management bot " ,
" modes " : " iw " ,
2025-01-23 11:32:10 -08:00
" away " : False ,
" identified " : False ,
" ssl " : False
2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
2025-01-21 19:20:15 -08:00
class IRCatModule :
2025-01-22 19:35:21 -08:00
def __init__ ( self , sql , smtp_host , smtp_port , smtp_starttls , smtp_username , smtp_password , name , host ) :
2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
self . sql = sql
2025-01-21 20:44:26 -08:00
self . smtp_server = smtp_host
2025-01-21 20:43:22 -08:00
self . smtp_port = smtp_port
self . smtp_starttls = smtp_starttls
self . smtp_username = smtp_username
self . smtp_password = smtp_password
self . net_name = name
2025-01-22 19:35:21 -08:00
self . hostname = host
2025-01-21 20:43:22 -08:00
self . memory = { } # {nick: [authtoken, password, email]}
2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
print ( " PawServ loaded! " )
def command ( self , command , args , ip , nick , connection , user ) :
try :
2025-01-29 20:09:17 -08:00
if command == " NICKSERV " or ( command == " PRIVMSG " and args [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == " nickserv " ) or command == " PASS " :
if command == " PASS " :
command = " NICKSERV "
2025-01-29 20:20:08 -08:00
args = [ " IDENTIFY " , args [ 0 ] ]
2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
if command == " PRIVMSG " :
args = args [ 1 : ]
2025-01-21 19:19:37 -08:00
args [ 0 ] = args [ 0 ] [ 1 : ] if args [ 0 ] [ 0 ] == " : " else args [ 0 ]
2025-01-21 20:43:22 -08:00
if len ( args ) > 0 and args [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == " verify " :
if len ( args ) == 3 :
2025-01-22 01:08:56 -08:00
if args [ 1 ] . lower ( ) in self . memory :
if args [ 2 ] == self . memory [ args [ 1 ] . lower ( ) ] [ 0 ] :
2025-01-24 18:33:45 -08:00
self . sql . nickserv_register ( nick = args [ 1 ] . lower ( ) , password = self . memory [ args [ 1 ] . lower ( ) ] [ 1 ] , email = self . memory [ args [ 1 ] . lower ( ) ] [ 2 ] )
2025-01-22 01:08:56 -08:00
nck = args [ 1 ] . lower ( )
2025-01-21 20:51:44 -08:00
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :Done, you may now identify as { nck } . \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-22 01:08:56 -08:00
del self . memory [ args [ 1 ] . lower ( ) ]
2025-01-22 19:35:21 -08:00
else :
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :Invalid verification. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-21 20:43:22 -08:00
else :
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :Nickname doesn ' t exist, try registering again? \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
else :
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :Invalid verification. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-29 21:55:57 -08:00
elif len ( args ) > 0 and args [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == " group " :
if len ( args ) == 1 :
if user [ " identified " ] :
if not self . sql . nickserv_isexist ( nick . lower ( ) ) :
self . sql . nickserv_group ( nick , user [ " identusername " ] )
else :
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :Nickname { nick } already exists. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
else :
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :You are not logged in. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
else :
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :Does not requre arguments \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-21 20:49:43 -08:00
elif len ( args ) > 0 and args [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == " register " :
2025-01-29 22:00:07 -08:00
if not user [ " identified " ] :
if len ( args ) == 3 :
if not self . sql . nickserv_isexist ( nick . lower ( ) ) :
if not nick in self . memory :
context = ssl . create_default_context ( )
token = str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) )
message = f " Subject: { self . net_name } Account Verification \n \n Hi, \n It appears you have tried to register an account ( { nick } ) with this email on { self . net_name } , \n If you did not register an account, feel free to delete this email. \n If you did, use this command: \n /nickserv verify { nick } { token } "
with smtplib . SMTP ( self . smtp_server , self . smtp_port ) as server :
2025-01-22 21:09:09 -08:00
server . ehlo ( )
2025-01-29 22:00:07 -08:00
if self . smtp_starttls :
server . starttls ( context = context )
server . ehlo ( )
server . login ( self . smtp_username , self . smtp_password )
server . sendmail ( self . smtp_username , args [ 2 ] , message )
self . memory [ nick . lower ( ) ] = [ token , args [ 1 ] , args [ 2 ] ]
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :Email sent, please verify. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
else :
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :A verification is already pending. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-22 21:09:09 -08:00
else :
2025-01-29 22:00:07 -08:00
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :The user { nick } already exists. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-21 20:48:35 -08:00
else :
2025-01-29 22:00:07 -08:00
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :Needs 3 arguments, nickname, password, and email. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-21 20:43:22 -08:00
else :
2025-01-29 22:00:07 -08:00
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :You ' re already logged in. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-21 20:49:43 -08:00
elif len ( args ) > 0 and args [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == " identify " :
2025-01-29 22:00:07 -08:00
if not user [ " identified " ] :
nck = nick if len ( args ) == 2 else args [ 2 ]
temp = self . sql . nickserv_identify ( nick = nck . lower ( ) , password = args [ 1 ] )
if temp != False :
hostmask = user [ " host " ]
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :You are now identified as { nck } . \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " : { self . hostname } 900 { nick } { hostmask } { nck } :You are now logged in as { nck } . \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
return { " success " : True , " identify " : temp }
2025-01-21 20:43:22 -08:00
else :
2025-01-29 22:00:07 -08:00
if nick . lower ( ) in self . memory :
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :Your account isn ' t verified, please verify now. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
else :
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :Invalid username/password. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
else :
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :You ' re already logged in. \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-21 19:19:52 -08:00
else :
2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :NickServ Usage: \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-21 19:56:00 -08:00
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :IDENTIFY pass <nick> - Identifies your nickname \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-21 20:43:22 -08:00
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :REGISTER pass email - Register your nickname \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-29 22:00:07 -08:00
connection . sendall ( bytes ( f " :NickServ!Meow@PawServ NOTICE { nick } :GROUP - Allows you to sign in to your account with different nicknames \r \n " , " UTF-8 " ) )
2025-01-22 19:35:21 -08:00
return { " success " : True }
2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
else :
2025-01-22 19:35:21 -08:00
return { " success " : False }
2025-01-21 19:16:24 -08:00
except :
2025-01-21 19:17:07 -08:00
print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
2025-01-22 19:35:21 -08:00
return { " success " : False }