diff --git a/scparseirc/__init__.py b/scparseirc/__init__.py
index 93455d9..7c0640f 100644
--- a/scparseirc/__init__.py
+++ b/scparseirc/__init__.py
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class IRCSession: # Actual IRC session
-    def quit(self, message:str="ScParseIRC v" + str(__version__)): # Send the server a signal that the client is about to quit, and rely on the server to close the connection.
+    def quit(self, message:str="ScParseIRC v"+str(__version__)): # Send the server a signal that the client is about to quit, and rely on the server to close the connection.
         self.send("QUIT :" + message + "\n")
         self.connected = False
     def join(self, chan):